
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Jamie Foxx will play Electro in Spider-Man 2!

Hello Everyone! First let me apologize for another absence and not posting last week. Had to deal with Finals at college and things like this tend to fall by the wayside. I'm back though, and bring you an anniversary as this is the 10th installment of the geek critique blog!

According to my friend and Ace Movie Reporter Silas, Jamie Foxx will be playing the new villain in mind for the second movie of the Spider-Man reboot franchise. It's been reported that Foxx will be playing Electro. What do I think of this news? Well, here's what.

I wouldn't figure Foxx of all people to be involved in a movie like this or to be chosen for a character of this personality type. We've never seen him in a role for a superhero movie before so question is, can he cut the mustard? As they say. Does he even have enough passion for the part to make it believable and can he portray a good Max Dillion?

Also, is Electro really the proper choice for an enemy? Can they top what they did with such a grand villain as The Lizard? Will Electro be the only bad guy in this movie? We have yet to find out.

Also, it's being said the costume will be of a totally new creation. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? It could go either way really. Some recreated costumes are pretty bad ass, others are just awkward.

Honestly, I don't see Foxx as being a good fit for this part off the bat, but I would love for him to prove me wrong. I think he's a great actor, I just don't think this is the part or movie realm for him.

To read more about this story go to Superherohype.

If there any further developments on this news I will be sure to share it with you all and of course, tell you what I think about it. That's all for this edition folks!


Also don't forget to Tweet my friend Silas Lesnick, he's a reporter for and he can supply you with all your movie news.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Critique of Ben 10: Omniverse

So last week a friend of mine asked me if I've been watching the newest Season / Chapter of the Ben 10 Animaited Series. "Ben 10: Omniverse" I told him "Of course I am!" I've been watching Ben 10 since it's inception and have been watching it religiously. I wasn't too fond of it in the beginning except for the fact he could turn into my favorite Alien they had created at the time. "Humongasaur!

As episodes passed the story got really good and as seasons passed we got the progression of Ben and his friends growing up. Something you don't see very much of in cartoons these days. Cartoon characters don't usually just grow up. I got really into Ben 10: "Alien Force" and then of course "Ultimate Alien". It was just getting better and better. Each of the next chapters got a bit more serious, the animation style changed to a more mature way of making the characters appear like young adults, and Ben was acting older himself.

New Ben looks different, and not in a good way
Which brings us now to Omniverse. I was excited to see it, but was then shocked at the animation style. I was like, "wait what's going on?" And it showed Ben young again, I was like 'Oh it's just a flashback." Flash forward and the animation style hadn't changed. Ben was the same age but appeared younger looking like his child counterpart, everything was super confusing. I was thinking "why did they go back to the old style? I'm so confused!"

This is the new Kevin? "Are you serious?" 
The new styles of Gwen and Kevin were horrible looking, I liked it better when they looked like real college age kids. Now Kevin looks like a high school Punk and Gwen a book nerd. They even went as far as to change her look yet again mid way through the season to make her look even younger and nerdier. I just didn't get it.

The new Omitrix is a lot like the old one, it even looks less impressive on looks alone. It looks like a regular digital watch. The new aliens although cool looking are far from impressive and some are just modified abilities of other pre existing aliens. Not to mention some of the new animation styles of aliens past are not good. The aliens can't evolve either. I was most disappointed with the new look of "spider monkey". They were ruining everything I grew to love. Why would you abruptly change back to your old ways if fans love the changes you already made?

Not to mention, now that Ben was going to be on his own in this one, he was more immature than ever and dressing it too. No more Ben 10 jacket, back to the t-shirt and yes, as if he wasn't trendy enough he has a hoodie now lol.

Also, they introduce Rook as his new partner. A grad of the plumber academy and an alien as well. I thought "oh no, not a new character, what else could go wrong?" He's essentially Ben's babysitting and taking up most of what was Grandpa Max's screen time or the time Kevin and Gwen were with them. Writing them out of 99 percent of the season was a bad idea. They were just beginning to solidify as a team.

Apparently this is what college does to young girls
Speaking of changes, did you know Gwen has an alternate form now like her grandma? When did she learn that in college? Would have appreciated a bit of back story on that one.

Anyway, back on topic about Rook. As much as I disliked him at first he's really grown on me and probably become my favorite character, probably because all other characters have suffered so much through all these back peddling changes.

Rook has a truck that turns into a ship. Which reminds me, I miss "Ship" the little dog like alien that could turn into anything.  Rook also has a weapon that can turn into just about anything he needs at the present moment. It's the swiss army knife of weapons. I want one!

Despite all of Omniverse's poor changes, Rook is a win!
Also, the great thing about Rook is the humor that he unintentionally delivers. He doesn't grasp earth sayings and therefore will often respond in some hilarious way or mispronounce what he is supposed to say in the situation.

I was told this is the final evolution of Ben 10 but I'm sure if they wanted to, they could take it a step further, especially because they've gone backwards so much this time around.

I'm seriously hoping there is a point to the back peddling, maybe Ben gets turned back into a kid or something? Does he get sent back in time? Your guess is as good as mine.

Anyway, I have to say story wise, with the exception of Rook, this evolution of Ben is a de-evolution and I don't like it very much. But I keep watching to see what Rook will do next, if any twists pop up in story or anything story wise in general that might be vital to know shows up.

So that's my breakdown of Ben 10: Omiverse. What do you think of the show? Leave a comment or Tweet Me :)

Until next time, this has been a Geek Critique.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Transformers 4 Announced!

Image by

First off, let me apologize for not posting last week to those of you who read my blog weekly. But Thanksgiving plans sort of got in the way of all that. But as you can see I didn't stray for very long, here I am. I'm Back! Now on to this week's topic.

Another Transformers Movie has been announced. Not only that, but due to some awesome Geek reporting by my long time friend and fellow geek Silas Lesnick at a poster has been revealed. Not only that but an addition to the cast has been announced as well.

It's rumored Mark Whalberg will be joining the Transformers cast. Now whether this means he's the new lead and Shia is stepping down or not has yet to be determined. A lot of fans seem to be excited over this though and are starting to jump the gun already saying he's going to be amazing.
I wouldn't hold my breath on this. Whalberg is indeed an amazing award winning actor but there are many factors to consider.

1.) Adding new people means writers might be running out of ideas here. In my opinion it kind of disrupts the flow because we've had the same people for the last three movies and we've been used to that. Even when Shia had this new love interest to me it just didn't seem the same in the third movie.

2.) wasn't 3 supposed to be the last one? I could have sworn Michael Bay was calling it quits on the Transformers franchise to start concentrating on wrecking another child love of mine. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Oh excuse me...ALIEN turtles. Bay even went on record to say he HATED the transformers. Blasphemy!

3.) What's left? Megatron has been the main threat in all three movies, he's been stopped all three times. What's left? According to the above poster he looks to be the main threat again. What's going to be different this time? Fans are wanting to see the Dinobots and so am I but if I know bay, hes not going to really give a crap because you can't model a GMC Truck after a Dinobot. He's looking for big time money sponsors here.

These Movies have gotten progressively worse. First one was awesome, second was a joke, and the third one was way too drawn out. I lost interest the last hour of the movie. I shudder to think what 4 will be like. So Whalberg will either be the saving grace for the franchise or the nail in the coffin.

As a dedicated Transformers fan I can only hope for the best. And hope for Dinobots! Just don't give me a robotic version of Jurassic Park!

What are your thoughts on a 4th movie being made? What do you think of Mark Whalberg's involvement? And what do you think the new movie poster signifies? Let me know your thoughts in a comment below or tweet me @PSiege1 

Also Don't forget to visit my friend Silas' Twitter @silaslesnick, he's always got the scoop on all your Geek News needs and is an excellent Journalist.

As always, thanks for reading, until next time this has been a Geek Critique from yours truly.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Avengers: Earth's mightiest Heroes...Ends?!

If you are as big of a superhero geek as I am, than you are equally as upset as I am that Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes is no more! What started out as only a season finale quickly became the last we will see of these favored heroes. But why is this?

Bad ratings? Actually no. Far from it. Now that Marvel is owned by Disney, they seem to think it's right to yank a successful series from the airwaves simply because they want a single production company under their employment to be responsible for all Marvel related series. A new series already being thought up would come from the same people who created the Ultimate Spider Man cartoon series.

I wanted to love ultimate spider man, I really did. I gave it a chance. But the fact is this has nothing to do with the ultimate universe in the comics it's just about training spidey to be the best spider-man he can be while he's still a youngin' in high school and teaming him with other teenagers who are lesser known heroes. The plots are terrible, all its good for is a good laugh. But comic book heroes, even spidey, shouldn't be comedy 24/7.

The fact they are ending Avengers just to start another one under these guys is ridiculous. I doubt the next series will be any good if these are the people writing and producing it. Earth's mightiest heroes was cut down it its prime moments. So what happened during Avengers final hour?

In past episodes we've seen a variety of heroes pop up. Yellow-jacket, the fantastic 4, wolverine, spider-man etc. Everyone basically is contacted and reunited for what looks to be the end of the world. The cause? Galactus! Devourer of Worlds. Galactus brings several heralds to earth who all plan on helping him destroy the planet. Everyone splits into teams. But they all learn these heralds don't actually exist therefore cannot be harmed.

Surprisingly I was shocked to discover there was no Silver Surfer anywhere to be found. He had never even showed up in the series at all in fact. Kind of disappointing because this would have been the right moment to bring him in.

After about 25 minutes of fighting all over the globe getting them nowhere, the brains of the avengers save the day. Reed Richards & Tony devise a way to open a portal to the negative zone which would suck Galactus in, never to return. They are successful almost effortlessly with the help of Thor who pushes Galactus completely through the portal.

The Avengers victory is celebrated by all of Earth and thus ends n amazing series. You can definitely see there is still room to carry on, it didn't seem like a permanent ending at all, but we'll never see it again now will we? A real shame.

The new series will have a lot to live up to, but considering the minds behind ultimate spider-man and the fact all future marvel projects things do not look well at all for the future of marvel cartoons. I hope I'm proven wrong, I really do. But considering the fact Avengers was cancelled based on a greedy move and ultimate spider man was ordered for another season, I'm not getting my hopes up just yet.

Though I just recently discovered THIS GUY seems to disagree and says its all based hearsay that Avengers has been cancelled. I guess only time will tell, I'm not putting too much faith in these guys, I think they just want the heat off of them until a press release comes out.

What do you think? Is having all marvel cartoons under the same people a good move? Was it worth canceling a successful series? Tell me your thoughts on all of this.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Playing a Role in the Marvel Universe

Core Book Cover

This week I'm going to touch on the topic of Roleplaying games. For those of you who may not know what a Roleplaying game is: You get character sheets, roll dice and add skill or ability points and act out your character in an improv like manner. One person is the game master who throws challenges at the players, you roll the dice, and that combined with your acting skills either lets you succeed or fail.

If you've ever heard of Dungeons & Dragons all roleplaying games are similar to that. Before the days of World of Warcraft on your computer screen we used our imaginations. There are lots of different characters and Universes to choose from. Dungeons & Dragons to Robotech. 

The game I want to highlight today is a game by Marvel Comics called "Marvel Heroic Roleplaying" There is a Core Book / Players Guide with a basic adventure and a handful of characters to choose from. There is the option to create your own character but its strongly suggested to choose one of the character pre-designed in the book. 

You don't have to worry about starting at the bottom as a superhero and can get right in the thick of things causing as much damage as the bad guys. You can be Spider-Man if you wanted to and have all his abilities right off the bat. You can think of what you'd want to do if you were Peter Parker and change whats written in the comics. 

This is currently a game I'm playing with a handful of good friends and thus why I wanted to highlight this specific game. I think more should know about how fantastic it really is. The dice system and stats aren't too hard to grasp, though can be easily confused on occasion, your character is never really seen as weak and success is easier than it is in other tabletop games. 

You can come from all sorts of different backgrounds and create original partnerships and teams. Some characters stats even improve when they aren't alone. So having fun with others is encouraged. Every few months another book has been planned to follow the core book with more characters and more adventures.

Civil War Book Cover
Recently "Civil War" was just released. A huge event that took place in the Marvel Universe where it was Team Captain America vs Team Iron Man on if a new Mutant Registration Act should be passed. Iron Man was FOR and Captain America was AGAINST. This divided the Marvel Universe and it was Heroes vs Heroes. Even some Villains were on the sides of Heroes. With this book you can relive the political drama and make a story that could be happier...or not. It all depends on how you play it out. instead of Iron Man or Captain America setting the stage it's whoever you choose to be, you are the star. 

Other such important stories that took place in the comics are highlighted and based your actions can be changed. In a few months the next book set to be released I believe is the "Secret Invasion"If you are a true Marvel Geek you know what that's about. 

We have just begun launching the Civil War Campaign in my group. My Character is "Thing" from Fantastic 4. My other group members? Ms. Marvel, Iron Fist, and we just added on Dr. Strange and Rogue from the X-Men. 

So what have I done as "The Thing" so far? I've traveled through dimensions, traveled to the Savage Land, and claimed Thor's Hammer. Can you imagine Thing with that giant hammer? If he wasn't dangerous before he sure is now. 

"Thing" Character Sheet, Taken from Core Book 
Originally Ben Grimm wasn't even part of Civil War, he got up and left the country. Which is perfect. I, as the player get to write the "What If" story if Ben Grimm had stayed and played a role, or even if he took center stage during the conflict. Next session both sides will start to persuade heroes and villains alike to join their side. Thing is currently FOR The Registration Act. Why? He doesn't want anyone innocent hurt and for heroes to be trained and responsible. However his views could still change at any time based on what happens, other players influences, etc. 

So I ask you to leave a comment. Is Ben Grimm doing the right thing? (no pun intended) Should he abandon the cause? or stick with it? When he begins to scout, which heroes or villains should he ask to stand by his side in the war? Who can he trust? Your suggestions are appreciated on which hero/villain should be approached. Don't forget to tell me WHY they are a good idea, every character has to have some usefulness in the long run. 

In short, This game is fun, not too hard to learn, gives the player a lot of power and ability to change the universe around them. This game is an A+ in my book. I highly suggest trying it. 

Look forward to your recruitment suggestions, post them here or tweet them to me @PSiege1

Until next time, this has been a Geek Critique :)  

Friday, November 2, 2012

A review of Ghost Rider 2

Yes, I realize I'm a little late on the whole watching of ghost rider. OK, A LOT! But if you are me you either don't have the finances for $10.50 a ticket when blockbusters come out, can't see 3D movies, or don't have the travel means to see a movie and get to watch everyone enjoy themselves while you are stuck at home wishing you could go.

With that explanation out of the way, here's what I thought. The movie itself looked like a completely different one from start to finish. I read somewhere this was supposed to be their way of doing a reboot since the first didn't go over so well. Personally I loved the first one so I don't understand people's complaints. I guess that's why I felt somewhat confused from the beginning of the film.

***Spoilers Don't read if you haven't seen Ghost Rider 2***

Totally disliked the Danny Ketch tie in. Making him half demon instead of a potential new rider in the third film pretty much ruins the end of Johnny Blaze if there ever is to be one in the future. Would be nice if he was given rider powers instead because he made a similar deal that Johnny did. I realize things will be different because this is a movie but it still makes more sense than what they did.

What was strange and creepy at first, but eventually grew on me, was the scare factor in this film. There  definitely was more of a horror aspect in this film which I thought was good. Ghost Rider should always keep everyone on their toes. Plus seeing Cage flip out every two seconds trying to control the rider from unleashing was pretty amusing.

Didn't really like the look of the Rider this time around, although more realistic in many ways I thought the skull looked oddly pointy, and I miss the shiny black jacket with spikes. This one looked old and crusty with not enough flash to it.

Very saddened by how the penance stare was played off this time around. He looks into their eyes and they explode? Liked the old way when they just appeared as a soul-less body.

Miss the flashy bike too. This one looked old and rickety. What can I say, I guess I'm a fan of flashy when it comes to being a biker, in my opinion that's what makes an awesome biker.

One improvement that I applaud is they included more of Cage's voice when he actually was Ghost Rider. So I give them credit for attempting more realism of the character this time around.

As far as supporting characters, none of them really impressed me, until I saw Christopher Lambert as one of the Monks. That was amazing.

Overall I'd say the movie was alright, there were parts I loved, like when Ghost Rider turned a whole Machine into a fiery blaze as if it was one giant bike. But there were a lot of parts where it lagged too and the main villain (especially the actor) was not peaking my interest as much as the first movie villain.

So it didn't quite live up to expectations after all this waiting. But it did surprise me in many ways and introduced me to looking at the character differently which is always good. Still I'll always be a bigger fan of the first movie and I hope there is a third film to cap it off.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Turtles, Twitter, Trivia and Teases

This week in "Geek Critique" we'll be looking at action figures!

With a brand new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series developed you had to expect there would be a whole new line of toys to go with it. I was lucky enough to get my hands on one. But you can bet it won't be played with anytime soon.

Why you may ask?  It's a very good story I want to share with all of you.

About a week or two ago, during the 4th episode of the new TMNT Nickelodeon held a Twitter exclusive episode trivia contest. You basically were tossed the occasional tweet from TMNT's "Turtle Master" aka the guy with all the prizes a triva question associated with both uncommon knowledge as well as obvious things you would have learned throughout the current episode being broadcasted.

So about 15 mins into the program, a tweet gets blasted, I'm hovering over my ipad stalking every message I see associated with this prize pack giveaway because it was announced at the top of the show that's what was taking place. I think to myself "I never win anything, but it could be fun."

The tweet is "Michaelangelo's new friend sounds familiar, but who is he? This same voice actor was also a character on spongebob squarepants, name the character he played for a mystery prize pack."

Didn't take but two seconds to come up with that answer. Little did the twitterverse know I have a keen memory for audio and a fascination as well as deep knowledge for voice actors. I know what actor did what voices and in what shows. Even if I didn't see the credits I know the voice no matter how altered. This actor was None other than Clancy Brown. That wasn't the question, but I know it because I hear his voice all the time in just about everything these days. I don't even watch Spongebob but could tell you the answer to that question right away. He played "Mr. Krabs"

So I reply in a heartbeat, some time passes. No response. I thought to myself. "I knew it someone responded first, not easy for a kid to answer, but it was too easy for me to be true" Then I get a tweet from the great TMNT Master saying "You got it, send your address and I'll send you a prize pack!" I literally jumped for joy! It was like I was 10 again, thrilled about my newest TMNT Merchandise. Ah memories.

So I send my address and think, "OK if I won, watch it be some promotional crap." Any contest I've ever won has always ended in some useless stuff I can never use and a T-Shirt two sizes two small. I'm thinking this might be no different so I tell the guy "here's my shirt size if that's what you are sending me." He follows me back on Twitter and says "It's a surprise." So part overjoyed, partly already disappointed, but still wanted the big mystery answered.

A week later a huge TMNT Box at my door. Feels almost too light. I'm thinking I already got ripped off. Pry open the box only to find a huge sewer capsule. OK, less disappointed now, anticipation building....

I open it and framed inside it still in box a brand new Raphael figure! Not only that, but its an old school design, looks just like the one I had as a kid! I was totally thrilled! Not only about the figure itself but it looked like how it used to back in the day instead of the new sculpts they've been using in recent.  This was a totally epic moment! I also noticed they added more functionality to the figure based on what was written on the box.

Then I stopped for a moment as I was reading it, took a closer look on the front. IT WAS SIGNED! But who autographed it? I looked at the detail on the signature and was able to make it out, it was a little on the faint side to begin with. It was none other than the newest voice actor to take on Raph. SEAN ASTIN!

If you don't know who he is by now, we're talking Rudy here, the nerdy kid from Encino Man, and Sam from Lord of the Rings! This was no mere voice actor, but a STAR! I thought to myself, no way in HELL I'm ruining this, its staying mint in box FOREVER! Once that autograph and figure is worth $$$$$ time to retire early lol. I mean, that will probably never happen, but one can hope.

All I know is this is not  a toy for me, its valued deeply both as a prize, and part of my childhood, there is a deep, meaningful and emotional connection here. Not letting it out of my sight.

So I took some pictures right away, here they are below for you to take a look for yourself.

My only one complaint during all this, that I didn't get a Donatello. He 's my favorite! Always has been. But I find nothing wrong with Raph, I like him too. And also lets face it, Rob Paulsen autograph vs Sean Astin who wins? Sean Astin! I got the better deal here in a way.

Though who knows, maybe TMNT Master is reading this right now, if you are, I'd love a Donatello as he was my childhood idol. He represents what a kid should aspire to be. Intelligent, loyal, and wise. He made me who I am today. So I do applaud Robert Paulsen for taking on the role.

Any other Donatello fans out there? I'm sure there are plenty of Raph lovers out there, I can name a few. What do you think of the new figures? Good or bad? And would you take yours out of the box if it was signed?

In closing, thank you Nickelodeon, TMNT Master, and Sean Astin for making one die hard fan of 20 years one very happy person! I cannot express how much it means to me!

Follow @TMNTMaster and tweet me @PSiege1 on Twitter

Leave a comment here on the blog too!

See you next week for another "Geek Critique"
